Using ESSO diagnostic mode to verify configuration. -
ESSO diagnostic mode allows users of ESSO engine to see why the SSO does not work on an application and to dynamically modify the configuration to adapt it.
Note: test mode does not allow saving the modification
1. An application can be tested only if test mode has been authorized on the application profile. When test mode is allowed for an application, users can start a test tool for it. From the ESSO Console, Activate the "Allow the user to test the application with SSOWatch" or "Allow the user to test the application with Enterprise SSO" option in the relevant application profile (Typically "Default application profile)
2. From SSOWatch select the "Refresh" button. Right click in the application list, and ensure "Hide Application without credential" is unticked.
When diagnostic mode is allowed for an application, the user can right-click on the application from SSOWatch and select “Test application…” to start the test tool. This test tool must be launched before the application to detect. When the test tool is started, all SSO actions are blocked except the one currently tested.
When the test tool is closed the ESSO Engine can perform standard SSO again.
3. The user must specify which SSO window she/he wants to test. In test mode, a “bad password” configuration or a “new password” configuration can be tested without having performed an initial login with SSOWatch.
The “Window configuration information” panel indicates the elements to be detected.
The “Live report” panel shows the current status of the SSO.
Please check:- If detection and advanced detection work
- If the constraints are verified
- If the field involved in the SSO are present,
- If the SSO is correctly performed.
6. ESSO Engine status:- “Not detected”: the title to detect is not present
- “Main window detected: the title has been detected
- “URL detection” gives information about the detected URL
- “No advanced detection configured”: no advanced detection has been performed
“Advanced detection failed”: shows found/expected values
7. While in diagnostic mode, the constraints do not stop the SSO procedure.The report shows a line for each constraint with a success/failure status.If the test failed, then the defined constraint value and the evaluated value are indicated in the report.
9. If all the fields are correctly detected, the user can tick on “I want to perform SSO. You will be prompt to enter login and password.”When this option is ticked the SSO is fully performed. Login, password and parameters will be collected when needed.Note: when you test a “bad password” configuration or a “new password” configuration, user must collect the account and then give the (new) password.
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