Users have intermittent SSOWatch popup appear on their screen when logging on to the system:
"Network Error: The Quest ESSO Security Services are unavailable. The Window Service Quest ESSO Security Services is probably stopped.
Error Code: 0x81011005" -
The service actually starts, but not quickly enough to initialize the SSO engine due to network timing.
Create a registry key for controlling the SSOWatch connection to WGSS:
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Enatel\SSOWatch\CommonConfig, create two DWORD values, WGSSConnectionTryNumber and WGSSSleepingTimeBetweenTwoConnections.
The parameter on WGSSConnectionTryNumber has the value of 20, by default, and WGSSSleepingTimeBetweenTwoConnections has the value of 25 (both values are milliseconds). Therefore, any number higher than this, in both cases, can be tried. We recommend starting with 35 (milliseconds) and monitoring the result.
The parameter WGSSSleepingTimeBetweenTwoConnections is the delay time before a retry if the previous connection has failed.
Windows Registry Disclaimer:One Identity does not provide support for problems that arise from improper modification of the registry. The Windows registry contains information critical to your computer and applications. Make sure you back up the registry before modifying it. For more information on the Windows Registry Editor and how to back up and restore it, refer to Microsoft Article ID 256986 “Description of the Microsoft Windows registry” at Microsoft Support. -
Additional Information
This message indicates that the ESSO Security Services service wasn't able to start. Unfortunately, there could be a number of scenarios leading to this. The most probable causes are:
- The computer is not member of a domain that is SSO-enabled.
- The computer cant access any ESSO server (it needs to be able to do so just once to validate the software modules).
- The service actually starts, but not quickly enough to initialize the SSO engine.
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